イルカウォッチング&ウミガメシュノーケリング  Dolphin watching & Turtle snorkeling














いたぁー!!! 追跡機を付けてるカメ発見!!! それもサンゴの中に頭突っ込んでで僕に気付かない!?

少し深めにいたけどお客様が見れたので良かった!!! この写真を見てるとガメラを思い出す。。。





I guided the Dolphin watching & Turtle snorkeling tour today.

It’s been a while since I did this.  Usually I do the diving.


Rain in the morning, rain during the tour, and it’s still raining up to now…

But we still went out on the tour.


We headed out to go find the dolphins first but no sign of them…

Right when we were about to give up, we get the call of dolphins close by.

But the dolphins were out of range for us but Captain Brian let us go.

Thank you captain!!!  The customers enjoyed seeing the dolphins even though it was raining.


Afterwards, we went to go snorkeling for turtles but there was a military ship at the Navy’s Ammo Wharf and could not get to our usual snorkeling area.

The Navy sets a Safety Zone and we are not allowed in the area.


So we decided to go to another spot where I find turtles.

And there he was munching on the coral feeding!!!  He also had a tracker on it’s back.

He was so busy munching on the coral that he didn’t even see me right next to him.  LOL!!!


Looking at this picture, he reminds me of Gamera.  You’ll soon find out what I’m talking about…


I hope tomorrow is a SUNNY day!!!